Sunday 27 March 2016

Jazzwise (Andy Robson) review of Cynosure by Trevor Watts String Ensemble (HFHCD018) March 2016

Thanks to Andy Robson for his excellent review of Cynosure by Trevor Watts String Ensemble in the latest issue of Jazzwise: If collective free improvisation sum...mons images of furrowed brows and unsmiling aural assaults then stick this platter in your play box and start grinning now. Watts' ensemble is one mess'n'mass of songs of joy. It helps that this is primarily a rehearsal recording so there's a 'go for it' vibe that isn't quite so apparent on the three 'in concert' tracks, although these are perfectly enjoyable. But the rehearsal cut of 'No Waiting' is phenomenal, not least for the sheer energy of its delivery, the perpetual motion guitar themes weaving through the ensemble set-ups and the spark and burn of the collective soloing. Watts is ecstatic throughout while Genockey connives to clatter and storm behind it all like a man possessed. This is a tribal groove machine cooking hard and reveals how Watts' confidence had grown since he'd begun to step free of his admirable work with John Stevens. It also reveals the confidence of the Brit free scene of the time , brimming with an energy that our current crop of excellent but, shall we say, a tad tight-lipped young performers could do with accessing.

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